The price per square meter of the photo wallpaper is provided. The wallpapers are custom printed on high-quality non-woven material and tailored to the exact measurements of your wall. To request a price and for an initial estimate, please use the "Request an Offer" contact form. We will then get in touch with you directly to find a suitable image for your wall and agree on the price. To ensure the quality and suitable colour range of the photo wallpaper, we recommend ordering a product sample.
- SKU: LB01179
- Designer : Lisa Bengtsson
- Brand : studio lisa bengtsson
- Country of manufacture : Sweden
- Unit : M²
- Material : Non-woven
- Glue : Quelyd Fliselin / Kiilto Master Flis
- Availability: Approximately two weeks
Important information!
Computer and phone screens may distort the actual color tone of the product! To match tones, you are welcome to familiarize yourself with samples at our showroom at Pärnu mnt. 66. We also offer the option to order A4 samples by mail. Please keep the labels of the wallpaper rolls until the installation is complete. The label contains the product code and batch number, which can be used to order additional material if necessary. Before installation, please ensure that the wallpaper does not have any defects. If defects occur, stop installation immediately and return the rolls to the showroom. We will replace defective material within a week. Scandinavia Tapeedisalong does not compensate for costs related to the installation of defective wallpaper.