Wallpaper school - Learning how to wallpaper correctly

Many think that wallpapering is difficult, although it's actually quite simple and very enjoyable work. And what a pleasant and proud feeling it is to admire your beautiful walls afterwards! We have compiled a simple eight-step guide explaining how to apply our EasyUp wallpapers to the wall.

Step 1 - Set the first panel in place

As with any job, preparations are crucial. If necessary, smooth and sand the walls so that imperfections won't be noticeable later on.

Start from the most visible corner of the room. From there, wallpaper in one direction and then the other. By doing so, any minor flaws in pattern matching will be less noticeable. It's very important to set the first panel straight. Always use a water level and draw a perfectly straight line with a plumb line from the corner to about 53 cm away, which is the standard width of our wallpapers.

"Make sure this line is visible and use it as a guideline when placing the first panel."

Step 2 - Apply glue next to the skirting and ceiling trim

If you're using our EasyUp wallpaper, apply the glue directly to the wall and then place the panel.

First, apply the glue with a brush along the ceiling and floor or along the skirting. It's okay if some glue gets onto the trim because it can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth after installing the wallpaper panel.

Step 3 - Apply glue to the wall using a roller

Apply glue to the wall using a roller. Cover the wall with an even layer of glue. Don't forget the edges and corners.

Apply enough glue for about 1.5 panels at a time, so you don't have to constantly measure and add glue next to already installed panels. If you notice any areas lacking glue, you can lift the panel slightly and add more glue. Usually, it's possible to adjust the panel for a while after it's been installed.

"To ensure there's enough glue, draw an S-shape with your finger along the entire length of the wall from top to bottom. If the pattern remains clearly visible, there's just enough glue."

Step 4 - Install the first panel

Place the wallpaper roll in a box or another holder. If the floor is clean, you can also lay it on the floor.

Start installing the wallpaper from the top of the ceiling and lightly secure the top of the panel. Now, check if the panel is running straight, using either a water level or a guideline you've drawn. Then, firmly press the top of the panel in place and cut off the excess along the top edge.

Step 5 - Smooth out the panel

Smooth out the remaining panel with a wallpaper spatula, moving from the center upwards and then from the center downwards, and finally smooth out the edges. After smoothing each panel, wipe the wallpaper spatula clean of any adhesive residue to prevent it from getting on the wallpaper.

"The wallpaper spatula helps to smooth out the wallpaper and remove air bubbles."

Step 6 - Cut off the excess from the bottom of the panel

Press the edges firmly and cut off the excess from the bottom of the panel with a wallpaper knife. To ensure a clean cut, use only a sharp knife and replace the blade frequently. Remember, the wallpaper knife blade has four edges!

Step 7 - Match the pattern

Repeat the steps starting from step 4. If your wallpaper has a pattern that needs matching, carefully match the next panel with the pattern of the previous one. You can find information on how to do this on the label of the roll.

"To make the job easier, always keep your tools handy."

Step 8 - Remove any remaining glue residues

Remove any glue residues from the wallpaper with a damp sponge. Don't hesitate to use plenty of water - our wallpapers tolerate water well, and it won't damage them. Remove glue residues after sticking each panel.

"Our wallpapers are washable, meaning you can wash away any glue residues with a damp sponge during the process."

Wallpaper samples

Easy to order wallpaper samples online. Order wallpaper samples to see how the wallpaper would look in your home.

Wallpaper samples


EasyUp is our own label that is now used as an established industry term.


Wallpaper calculator

Our wallpaper calculator makes it easy to work out how many rolls you need. The number of rolls depends on the dimensions of the walls to be papered, the dimensions of the rolls and the pattern repeat length of the design you have chosen.

Wallpaper calculator