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Wallpapering borders
Borders are an easy way of enhancing the overall impact of a space. These can be hung in many different ways, including next to skirting boards or cornices, around windows or even in the middle of a wall. Here we describe step by step how to wallpaper borders.
Wallpapering borders
Wallpapering corners
One reason why you should not wrap a full strip of wallpaper over or around a corner is that often the corners themselves are slightly uneven. This can cause the corner to “curl”. There are of course a number of techniques available for wallpapering corners. Here we will show you one of them.
Wallpapering corners
Pattern alignment
Before you start hanging wallpaper, it’s important to check what sort of alignment it has. You will find this on the wallpaper label. Here we explain how to hang wallpaper with straight, random and staggered pattern alignment.
Pattern alignment