Pattern matching

Before wallpapering, it is important to check how the wallpaper pattern should be matched. You can find this information on the wallpaper label. Here we explain how to install straight match, free match, and drop match wallpapers.

What is pattern matching?

Straight matching

Iga paan tuleb paigutada täpselt õigesse kohta eelmise paani kõrvale. Tõstke paani ülaosa lae alla ja liigutage paani aeglaselt ülespoole, kuni muster läheb kokku eelmise paani mustriga. Mustrisamm, s.t mustri korduva osa kõrgus, on märgitud etiketil.

Free matching

The wallpaper doesn't have a pattern that needs matching. Simply place the panels next to each other.

Offset matching

This is used to create large patterns across the entire wall. The wallpaper is aligned similarly to regular pattern matching, the only difference being that you may need to shift the panel slightly upwards to match the pattern with the previous panel. Therefore, you may need a bit more wallpaper, which should be taken into account when calculating the required amount of wallpaper. When offset matching, you typically need to add half a pattern repeat to each panel after measuring the height of the wall.